Training Tips
No. 1 - COME

No. 1 - COME
- Show your cat the treat and praise them when they pay attention to it.
- Praise your cat when they touch the treat with their nose.
- Put the treat near their nose and draw it towards you, saying "come," while praising them as they move towards your hand holding the treat.
- Reward your cat with the treat from your hand when they successfully reach it.
No. 2 - STAND

No. 2 - STAND
- Begin with your dog in a sitting position.
- Hold a treat, preferably a Benny Bully's treat, near your dog's nose to capture their attention.
- Say the command "stand" in a calm and assertive voice.
- Slowly move your hand away from your dog's face, parallel to the ground, to lure them into standing position.
- Reward your dog with the treat as they stand steadily.
No. 3 - HIDE & SEEK

No. 3 - HIDE & SEEK
- Have someone hold onto your puppy while you hide in a different room.
- Call your puppy's name to signal that you are present. Use a motivating tone and offer positive reinforcement, such as clapping or calling their name in an upbeat voice.
- When your puppy finds you, praise and reward them with a Benny Bully's treat. This reinforces the behavior and motivates them to continue looking back at you.

- Hang a bell from the door that you and your dog use most frequently. Make sure it hangs down to your dog's nose level.
- Every time you take your dog outside, ring the bell to create a consistent association in your dog's mind between the bell and going outside.
- Encourage your dog to sniff, paw or nudge the bell while saying a consistent phrase, such as "ring the bell" or "outside." Use a positive and encouraging tone to reinforce that behavior.
- If your dog rings the bell, praise them, and take them outside immediately. If they don't ring the bell, prompt them with the phrase and guide their paw or nose to the bell.
- Be consistent with the training and practice it several times throughout the day, especially after meals, playtime, and naps. This will help reinforce the behavior and make it more consistent.
No. 5 - CRAWL

No. 5 - CRAWL
- Start by putting your dog in a down position and holding a treat lure in front of their nose.
- Lure your dog forward a couple of inches with the treat while keeping them in a down position. Give them the treat and praise them for their effort.
- Repeat the process with another treat to lure your dog forward a few more inches.
- Repeat this exercise over several days to help reinforce the behavior. Your dog should eventually begin to understand the command and start crawling forward.
- Remember to keep your dog in a down position while they crawl and offer plenty of treats and positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior.
No. 6 - TAKE A BOW

No. 6 - TAKE A BOW
- Start by having your dog stand in front of you.
- Hold a Benny Bullys treat in your hand and position it at your dog's nose level.
- Gently press down on your dog's nose and move your hand downward between their front legs while giving the verbal cue "take a bow."
- As soon as your dog's elbows touch the floor, release the treat and move your hand away.
- Repeat this exercise several times, ensuring that your dog's front legs are straight and their head is down, and reward your dog with praise and positive reinforcement.

- Start by having your dog in a standing position.
- Hold a Benny Bullys treat in your hand and position it close to your dog's nose.
- Move your hand to the right in a large clockwise circle while giving the verbal cue "spin."
- When the circle is complete, release the treat to reward your dog.
- Repeat this exercise with a counterclockwise circle and reward your dog for a successful spin.
- Practice this exercise regularly, using the verbal cue "spin" each time, until your dog can spin consistently on command.